

Oct 24, 2011


Yes, you read right. I am starting with the stuff before the actual book.
Why? Well, I just figured that they might have good information. I'm not gonna lie... reading this book will be a challenge. Not just because it's a giant (663 pages of text), but also because it's so deep. There are probably going to be times when I won't understand and I know and accept that. But I'm going to try to prevent that if possible.
Ok, so what did I learn before the actual teaching part? Basically, there are two ideas of progress:
1. Progress as defined by people such as Margaret Sanger. That people will only be free when they are able to control our sexuality. Basically, control when we want to have babies, and that true freedom only comes from when we are free from the "fear of pregnancy" (Sanger). This almost seems to downgrade the role and importance of the family. Or maybe that's just me.
2. Progress comes through understanding. Yes, control does have a factor, but do we really understand what we're doing? Do we really understand how to love?
Both want the same thing, but which one actually works. So far, the world seems to lean more towards the first approach. And do you know what, it extends to more than just sexuality. We want to do whatever and not face the consequences. Oh, and we want it now. We want to be able to eat as much as we want whenever we want. Hence, people eat at McDonald's (which I'm sorry, I'm just not convinced that stuff is real food).
And another interesting thing. Like I said before, I'm a Criminal Justice major so I was interested in looking at the crime rates since the United States seemed to adopt this view. According to the chart I found on (just scroll down if you want to look), crime started to spike around the late 50's/early 60's. Do I think it's a coincidence that crime increased around the same time as the sexual revolution? I know... all my teachers tell me that "correlation does not imply causation", or there could be some other unknown factor in there but still. But you've got to admit... it's interesting.
The funny thing is... I'm not even finished reading the introduction! But I think the rest of it is more "here's how to read this book" than extra information. So anyway! Day one complete!

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