

Jan 29, 2012

I know alot about sex for a Virgin

Okay, I had to have a catchy title, right?

But seriously, this is where I get to talk about sex and how good it is. At least in the context of marriage.

See, in marriage, sex brings the couple closer. The couple literally becomes "one flesh" (think about your basic biology or sex-ed course) and enters the creation act itself. As JP2 says, sex "allows them [the married couple] to recognize each other reciprocally and to call each other by name, [!] as they did the first time" (pg 167). When a married couple has sex, they're reuniting, they're giving themselves to each other just like they did on their wedding night. It's not exciting because of all the crazy moves they have learned over the years (I guess), it's exciting because it IS.

See, this is something I think we college kids forget about sex. It's not just some fun thing we do. It's not even something you do to show a significant other you love them. It's a choice. You choose to freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully give yourself to your spouse. There should be no pressure. You should not feel pressured to give away something so special to anybody who promises anything less than eternity.

The sexual act unites a couple and can take them down a certain path. For a married couple, it teaches them more about each other. More about Christ and his church. The man learns more about the woman and vise versa. For an unmarried couple... it's a lie. You say I'm forever yours even though it's not true. You unite yourselves in a way that you're not ready for until marriage. Then when (okay if... but stats show that premarital sex isn't good for relationship stability...) you break up it's even harder.

I have a friend (who will remain anonymous) who has told me that she has been sexually active with her boyfriends at different periods. And you know what I notice? I notice that all of her breakups are hard. Very rough. Harder than they would be if she had remained chaste? I cannot say for sure... but that's what I believe.

Anyway, that's a little about what I know about sex. And with that I can proudly say on the World Wide Web that I'm waiting for marriage. :)

Dear Lord, it's hard living in this culture today and doing your will. Please help me to live out your plan for me. My body is a temple. My body is beautiful. Please do not let me profane it by using the sexual act in the wrong way. Amen

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