

Dec 3, 2011

Creation Part Dos!!

So here's where I get you guys addicted to this little experiment of mine. I tell you that Bl. JP2 says that the second story of creation helps demonstrate the differences in humanity before and after the fall. The difference between our original innocence, and life after the fall. But I'm not going to tell you what any of them are. Partially because I don't know and understand completely myself. Those sections will come soon enough.

Even though there is a difference, the rules have not changed so to speak. This is something that Jesus is trying to tell the Jewish authorities in the Gospels. He said that Moses allowed them to have divorce because "of your hardness of heart." In other words, we were too pig-headed to just switch from free divorce to no divorce. But, as JP2 comments, Jesus didn't like it.

I think we need to think about this in every aspect of our lives. Like Sunday for example. The third commandment says "keep holy the Sabbath Day". But society says "whatever, you have so much to get done and you don't want to waste a second." Just because it is socially acceptable to work and ignore God on His day does not mean it's right. Yeah, it's funny what happens when you word it like that. We don't want to say that we "ignore God", but isn't what forgetting Him on His day is?

Once again, as a college kid, that gives me a lot to think about. There's a lot of things that are "socially acceptable" that I'm not sure coincide with God's law. Like parties. In and of themselves, they aren't bad. But we all know that college parties are pretty much people drinking as much as they can and rubbing on each other when they're too drunk to know exactly what's going on. ONCE AGAIN, just because it's socially or even legally acceptable DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT! God has a plan for us, and any step away from that plan is not right.

Stay tuned to learn a little more about God's plan, because it'd be slightly stupid to decide to follow it without trying to find out what it is.

Dear Lord, please open our hearts! Because the hearts of the Israelites were closed, there was a law in contrast with your plan for us. Help us to always be open to your will, or at least give us the desire to be open. Help us make the right choice always, no matter what others may think. And help us in this continued study, for lack of a better term, and help us learn what your servant Bl. John Paul II had to say to us. Amen

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