

Dec 12, 2011

... And We're Going to Pretend It's Still Sunday

Alright, so it's finals week and at my school that means breakfast and bingo!!! So I just(ish) got back from that, so forgive me for technically posting on Monday and pray for all my finals and papers to go well!!!!!

And back to solitude...

Yeah, I'm talking about "Original Solitude", one of the points JP2 draws from the beginning of Genesis. Man was out in the world, caring for the plants and the animals and the other things, but scriptures say that he was alone. Why would he be alone when he's clearly not? First of all, Adam was with God. Second, he was with the animals (such as the DOG for crying out loud!) but still, he was alone. This highlights how man is different from every other creation.

I know I've gone into this a lot... thank you History of Psychology... but we need to remember this! We're human. We're special. We're the most amazing, most diverse creatures on the planet. We have a body, but we also have a soul. I learned in a New Testament class that one soul is worth more than all the earth. Why? Because that soul is eternal. When our bodies die, our soul will live on forever. There is literally no way we could learn everything about humanity because we're infinite!

Humans are hard-wired for companionship. It's funny, in my... yes... History of Psychology class again we talked about how humans have these... glands I think (called monods or something like that?) that help us have relationships with others. We need each other.

More than that, men and women need each other. Yes, the scripture seem to imply that man would be completely lost without woman (which is true! :D) but, women also need men. We're different, but we're complementary. It's sort of like cookie dough ice cream (my favorite btw). Men are the vanilla ice cream and women are the cookie dough. Both are good, but together they make something on a whole new level!

Anyway, JP2 does have more to say on this topic. But that's for another letter. If you want to get the book and read ahead... more power to you. But until then, pray that my finals go great!

Dear Lord, I would just like to thank you. Thank you for giving me people in my life. Continue to bless me with more people that will help me grow holier; help me grow closer to you. Thank you! Amen.

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