

Nov 13, 2011

Day... Let's call this -10

Well, after a long day, I'm finally posting! What can I say? I got busy. But I guess that happens a lot in life. You get busy and have to choose: am I too busy for God or will I make time for him? Today, I choose to make time for God. It's a resolution that we all really have to renew each day.

Well, there's a lot in here, but what this part of the book talked most about was faith. We all need it, but what is it based on? This sort of reminds me of the part of the Gospel when St. Thomas told his fellow apostles that unless he touched the wounds of Jesus, and put his hand in Jesus's side, he would not believe. A week later, Jesus appeared and told him to touch his wounds. Thomas knelt down and said "my Lord and my God." Jesus then told him (and this is NOT a direct quote): "You believe because you have seen. But Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe."

I feel like Jesus is talking directly to us. From two-thousand years ago, Jesus is speaking directly to his church today. None of us have seen him directly, but we believe. But even with us, is our faith based on experience? Have we had something happen, and now we say "I believe". Honestly, that can go away. But deep faith, internalized faith, it won't just leave when things are tough. Does this mean we have blind faith? No. But at a certain point we do have to acknowledge that we do, in fact, believe.

This section also mentioned works of Bl. John Paul II, one of which being Love and Responsibility. I can say that I read somebody's summary of it, the book by Edward Sri. Basically, it goes a lot into how love is a gift, and for love to be real you have to be able to give and receive it. But that's not just in a marriage. Any relationship.

God, please help us learn how to love like you! You want us to be perfect in love, so give us that grace! And help us believe. For those of us who struggle, give us the grace to continue in the easy times as well as the difficult. For those who do not, give the grace and reveal your love to them!

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