

Jun 3, 2012


Imagine you just walked on in somebody in the shower. It doesn't matter what your relationship was to them, they would say something along those lines. "EEP!" "What?" "Get out!!!" Or a few other choice words that I will choose to not put on my blog.

Why? Why is it that we are so protective of our bodies? Why is it that most girls are extra careful when walking around in a skirt and most boys find the need to pull up their pants when too much of the boxers are showing?

I'll tell you: shame.

But imagine this, Adam and Eve, for the first several days or weeks or however long didn't have shame. Remember that verse in Genesis: Naked without shame? That was them. Then suddenly they cannot look at each other when they are naked. Even though they were husband and wife. More than that, they do not want God to see. They do not want anyone to see. Enter, original sin. When they ate that apple, they became imperfect.

So why do we feel shame? First, JP2 wants to look at before the fall.

Why did Adam and Eve not feel ashamed before the fall? I have no idea what it was like, unfortunately I've never been perfect. But, listen to what JP2 says. He basically says that they did not feel shame before because their bodies manifested why they were as man and woman. They showed them who they were.

On a much more shallow level, I think I know what that means. I used to play sports, and I remember how it felt to receive my high school jersey. This was when I was a freshman and still excited about my school. I was excited. I was proud that I was actually on the team. I wore it with pride. Why? It signified who I was, and what I'd done.

Sure this is not the deep knowing who you are and what your role is, but since original sin has blocked us from that, let's take the little analogies as they come, shall we?

Dear Lord, thank you for bringing me back. Thank you for your servant Pope John Paul II's inspiring ideas. Help me to continue to grow and discover myself through your gifts.